Saturday, 17 December 2016

A process series

I love getting a glimpse into other artists' processes, seeing how a finished piece began life and in the  order by which the  elements were added to the piece. So here's a series of images showing the process of creating one of my miniature pieces. The exercise was to take only an hour so it's one of my more basic designs.
I'll let the images do most of the talking…

I start with scrap pieces of silk for the top layer, bamboo batting and cotton (this is from and old sheet) for the back.

The fabric is layered together.

I arrange petal shaped pieces of eco-dyed silk on the top.

The petals are  lightly tacked down with fabric glue stick….

…..Then machine stitched into place. The more organic  (i.e. messy!) the stitching lines, the better.

Sheer fabric (eco-dyed organza) petal shapes are added. They give lovely depth.

Organza petals are stitched in place.

This is the fun part where I get to play with sparkles!

I stitch beads and sequins in a placement that generally radiates out from the centre, but I try to make it appear kind of random.

Then I carefully cut the floral shape out.

And then I have a little floral shape which can be combined with others to create a larger work.

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